Our principal objectives are to describe and explain a process of management reform. We achieve this mainly (though not exclusively) by analysing a mass of case study material - much of it our own, but some of it drawn from the work of others. Such analysis cannot proceed wihout , first, aset of organishing concepts and, second, some guiding theory or theories.
Customer Service merupakan satuan unit kerja yang penting yang dimiliki oleh bank, sebagai barisan yang paling depan customer service memegang peranan penting tidak saja sebagai pengemban citra/image bank tetapi juga bertugas sebagai unit kerja yang memasarkan produk bank langsung pada nasabah, sehingga seorang customer service harus menguasai semua produk-produk bank yang ada. Dalam memberik…
The purpose of this book is not so much to force choices among the alternative visions of governance, but rather to make the choices available to governments more evident. To the extent that these models have been implemented in the real worl (particularly the market model), they have been put forward for ideological reasons as much as from any through consideration of their relative merits. Ea…
Buku ini merupakan hasil studi penelitian (disertasi penulis) dengan judul Pelayana publik di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tangerang. Buku ini dapat dijadikan panduan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan publik pada instansi pemerintahan masing-masing.
Krisdianti,Lia.2005.The Quality Of Service Given By The Staff Of Bank Jatim Branch Office Malang In The Multiguna Loan Section.Final Report,DIII English Program Merdeka University Malang.Supervisor:Moelyoso,S.S,M.Pd. Globalization is a big issue for human kind. It has brought many changes to the world. Those changes also happen in Indonesia, especially the tide competition in economy. This …
Sabila, Anna Fardhina. 2005. The Importance of Customer Service Division at PT. Bank Jatim Surabaya. Final report. D-III English Program of Merdeka University Malang. Examiner I: Drs. Sulih Sudjianto, M.Pd, Examiner II: Risna Inayah, S.S. PT. Bank Jatim is a bank that has maintained a good reputation as the bank of East Java people. It has many service networks around East Java. This bank offe…
Dilaga, Putri Dewi. 2005. The Effectiveness of In House Selling Promotion by Receptionist as the Front Liner of the Hotel at University Inn. D-III English Program Merdeka University. Examiner I: Mulyoso, SS, M.Pd, Examiner II: Drs. Poedyo Oetomo. University Inn is a new hotel that exists among many famous hotels in Malang. The University Inn was built by PT. Parwa Nusantara Teknologi, with col…
This book is about the nature of performance in such organizations. It contains some ideas about how to improve that performance, especially in our current environment. The lessons herein are derived from my own experiences, some 30 years of working in and around a wide variety of human service organization, and they come from a deeply optimistic view that we can get better at what we do.
This Research try to analyze the quality of service of academic taking case in Engineering Faculty Unmer Malang. Like known by Engineering Faculty Unmer Malang reside at wings of university of private sector, was working in education service area. Where orientation of university of the private sector have to major customer to take care of the continuity of its life. In university, academic per…
This research try to measure quality of service in PT. Post Indonesia Persero Malang. PT. Post Indonesia represent state-owned corporation moving in the field of service of traffic of information of money and goods in life Indonesia socialize. Quite a lot product which on the market to society in the effort assisting society to process service of good information in the form of money, goods and…