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Probolinggo agricultural potential in the fileld of food crops mainly rice productivity is considerably higher than other food crops such as maize, peanuts and soybeans. But in reality the potential is not accompanied with excellent service to farmers by the agriculture ministry officials, this is evidenced by the many complaints from farmers ranging from feritilizess, availability of seeds, ir…
The concept of corporate social responsibility has become known since the early 1970s, which is generally defined as a set of policies and practices relating to the stakeholders, values, compliance with legal requirements, respect the community and the environment, as well as the commitment of business to contribute to suistainable development. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not just …
A test to the resutled regression model using F test, based where on the basis of analysis result, the F countvalue:24,064 and F table value : 2,233 so the F count > F table with probaitity 0,0000 less than A,05. This shows that customer satisfaction variety can explained by variables of sevice quality, so that double linier regression model is accurate. From the hypothesis result II, it ca…
Komodo National Park is a conservation area that gets the attention of the international community because it is the only natural habitat of the komodo dragon (Varanus komodoenesis) as the largest lixard in the world that is unique and endemic. As an icon of national pride, the government of Indonesia through the ministry of forestry authority seeks to maintain and preserve the conservation are…
The result that the revolving fund program provides great benefit to the increased empowerment of SMEs in east java. By providing convenience to SMEs to gain acces to capital by cooperating with the private sector (SME bank bank of east java and east java) tries to empower and develop SMEs and be able to compete with the production of goods from abroad. Although in practice, the revolving fund …
The purpose of this study are to describe and analyze the implementation, the inhibitingÂ’s- and supportingÂ’s factors the implementation of the intensificationÂ’s policy of land and building tax in 2013. With qualitative research methods, the researcher wants to describe and analyze the evaluation of the intensificationÂ’s policy of land and building tax, in an effort to increase o…
The result of this research is showing that fulfillment of teachers who have teaching professional of certificate work load implementation of policy in SMP Negeri 4 Tamiang Layang has not been implementing as weII as that policy will. The mechanism with institutions associated within fulfillment teacher work load implementation of that policy which must interpretated by implementqtors and …
The research discusses about the factors driving a women turn themselves to become prostitute in prostitution business in Indonesia. The study was conducted in the village Slorok, Malang, Indonesia, where there is an old localization. The study uses descriptive and analytical approaches that highlight the importance of examining and analyzing the life of a phenomenon of the commercial sex wo…
Kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance) merupakan isu yang paling mengemuka dalam mengelola administrasi publik dewasa ini. Konsepsi pemerintahan yang baik menuntut setiap aparatur pemerintah untuk bertanggung jawab dan mempertanggungjawabkan segala sikap, perilaku dan kebijakannya kepada masyarakat. Untuk itu diperlukan aparatur yang profesional yang mampu mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan tugas p…