This research aims to analyze the effect of price and service quality on costumer satisfaction. The research method in this research is quantitative method. The data collection instrument used was a questionare. The dependent variable in this research is the Customer Satisfaction and variable independent is Price and Quality of Service at Panderman Coffe Shop Hotel Aria Gajayana Malang. The re…
This research was conducted to determine the effect of service quality, price, and trust on customer satisfaction Telkomsel Branch Malang. Communication is an important need for society, so competition in the telecommunications industry is getting tighter, Telkomsel is the number one telecommunications company in Indonesia, of course customer satisfaction is one of the benchmarks for this achie…
This Research try to analyze the quality of service of academic taking case in Engineering Faculty Unmer Malang. Like known by Engineering Faculty Unmer Malang reside at wings of university of private sector, was working in education service area. Where orientation of university of the private sector have to major customer to take care of the continuity of its life. In university, academic per…
Kualitas pelayanan adalah berpusat pada upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan serta ketepatan penyampaian untuk mengimbangi harapan pelanggan. Hal ini berlaku bagi dunia kelistrikkan khususnya PT. PLN (Persero) distribusi Jawa Timur area pelayanan dan jaringan UP. Kota Malang sebagai satu bentuk usaha dalam bidang jasa, yang berusaha mengedepankan kualitas pelayanan. Tujuan peneliti…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh Tingkat Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa PT.Kalimantan Harapan Safira terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 25 responden. Adapun metode Suatu instrumen yang valid atau sahih mempunyai validitas yang tinggi, sebaliknya instrumen yang kurang valid memiliki validitas yang rendah. Sebuah instrumen dikatakan vali…
Quality of service is to centre on strive accomplishment of requirement and desire of customer and also accuracy of forwarding to make balance to the customer expectation. This matter also go into effect to health world specially hospital as one form of effort in the field of service, which have of course also try to place forward the quality of service. Target of this research is to know how …