Apotik Sehat Batu is a place that serves the sale of pharmaceutical drugs for the surrounding community which is strategically located, which is in the middle of Batu city. Apotik Sehat Batu has a business covering public health services that require treatment and recovery, located Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.52 Batu City, East Java. Checking the data of goods, supplier data, employee data, inputt…
This research aims to determine the influence of Brand Ambassadors, Korean Wave and Prices on Purchase Intention of Instant Noodle Sedaap Korean Spicy Chicken products, because it sees many indonesian people who consume instant noodles and Korean culture in Indonesia develops rapidly. The variables in this research are Brand Ambassador, Korean Wave, Price as an independent variable and Purcha…
The food and beverage industry has great potential to develop in Indonesia, because it is directly related to meeting people's basic needs. Market demand continues to increase and lifestyle changes driven by globalization which has an impact on people's habits that lead to practical things. People tend to choose fast food, because people think that food is fast and practical. This type of rese…
More and more women are prioritizing skincare over makeup. Because the skincare trend is growing, the market competition for the beauty category in Indonesia is getting tougher, many skincare manufacturers at home and abroad are offering their products in Indonesia, one of which is the skincare brand The Ordinary, which is produced by Deciem from Canada. This study aims to determine the effect …
Pertumbuhan pesat media sosial di Indonesia membawa penggunanya ke tingkat di mana bentuk rencana bisnis yang baru dapat dikembangkan yaitu social commerce. S-commerce merupakan evolusi baru dalam dunia perdagangan internet yang memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai panggung bisnisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dukungan sosial, persepsi risiko, dan interaksi sosial terhad…
The growth of information technology have brought changes to the development of the business word , and it is widely used by businessmen to compete in their marketing activities .thereford, the marketing activities growth broadly and complex .contemporaly, consumers are more easily to exchange the information with other consumers in choosing products that they would buy. The communication of…
Emmanuel Frista Budi Setyawan (08100013), 2012, Jual Beli Tanah Dengan Petok D Sebagai Dasar Kepemilikan Tanah (Studi Di Desa Panggungrejo Kecamatan Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang), Skripsi, Jurusan Perdata Bisnis Fakultas Hukum Universitas Merdeka Malang, Pembimbing : (1) Hj. Hairani, S.H., M.Hum., (2) Tri Susilaningsih. S.H., M.S. Kata Kunci : Jual Beli, Petok D, Tanah Pada era pembangunan s…
Perilaku konsumen baik faktor internal maupun eksternal harus terus dilakukan agar dapat memberikan layanan kepada pelanggan secara tepat dan benar, dan terhindar dari masalah-masalah yang mungkin muncul seperti keterlambatan pelayanan, kekeliruan pembayaran, kekeliruan pesanan produk dan sebagainya. Faktor eksternal terkait dengan lingkungan masyarakat dimana seseorang dilahirkan dan dibesarka…
Suatu perusahaan di dalam merebut pasar perusahaan dihadapkan oleh banyaknya pesaing yang juga menawarkan produk yang sama. Dalam hal ini perusahaan harus pandai menyiasati pasar daya dalam cara pemasarannya yang berbeda dengan perusahaan lain, sehingga perusahaan bisa mempengaruhi pasar seperti apa yang diinginkannya baik luas cakupan maupun dari pemilikan segmen pasarnya yang tepat. Salah sat…