Buku ini sangat menarik dan dapat dipakai sebagai acuan dalam membedah masalah-masalah manajemen pelayanan publik. Mengingatkan kembali bahwa tujuan pelayanan publik pada dasarnya adalah memuaskan masyarakat.
The higher level public awareness of public services requires government organizers to be able to provide the best service. Quality and high quality public service is the main objective of every public organization in providing services to the community. Based on observations at The Immigration Office class I Malang before the application for registration of online passport queues, it is known …
To measure and improve the performance of SKPD, Malcolm Baldrige is here for maximum achievement in Total Quality Management. This study aims to analyze the performance achievements of the SKPD based on the baldrige excellence framework approach in the Batu City Population and Civil Registry Office. This research is descriptive research. The analytical tool used to analyze the performance of …
Public service is one embodiment of function in the state government employee as a public servant, public service is intended for the welfare of the community or citizens. Public service is professional, that means public service that is characterized by accountability and responsibilities of service providers (government officials). The purpose of this final report is to provide information t…
Public service is one of the important tasks that cannot be ignored by the local government, because if the service component stagnates, it is almost certain that all factors will have a bottleneck, therefore there needs to be good planning and even needs to be formulated by the central government in the local government. the e-KTP program pilot project Lowokwaru sub-district has not been runni…
A test to the resutled regression model using F test, based where on the basis of analysis result, the F countvalue:24,064 and F table value : 2,233 so the F count > F table with probaitity 0,0000 less than A,05. This shows that customer satisfaction variety can explained by variables of sevice quality, so that double linier regression model is accurate. From the hypothesis result II, it ca…