This research aims to analyze the effect of Regional Expenditure and Original Local Government Revenue toward gross regional domestic product in Malang on 2004-2018. Gross regional domestic product is defined as the sum of the added value generated by all business units in a certain area. Gross regional domestic product is also one of the important indicators to determine the economic condition…
The writing of this thesis discusses the role of the village government in resolving land rights disputes. The main issues discussed in this thesis are how the role of the village government in resolving land rights disputes that occur in the community and what obstacles are faced by the village government in the process of resolving land rights disputes. This research has a purpose and usefuln…
The issues raised in this study are particularly related to the existence of a judge's determination regarding the request for sex reimbursement, for which there are no specific rules governing. The impact of the request for sex reimbursement that is not accompanied by the development of existing law in Indonesia, then there is a legal vacuum that causes the Indonesian judiciary to require lega…
This study is about “The Role of National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Law Enforcement Against Narcotics Criminals”. This background of the study is because of The narcotics trade carried out by the perpetrators has become a serious problem that is increasingly visible on the surface of Indonesian society. This issues happened because the Addicts, Abusers, and victims of narcotics abuse have i…
In general coaching narcotics inmates in Special Development Organization Grade I Blitar City aims to enable them to become fully human as has been the direction of national development. The problem posed is how the implementation of the guidance provided Special Development Organization Grade I Blitar City of prisoners who commit crimes drug abuse. Methods or type of this research is Empirica…
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peran public relations sebagai komunikasi fasilitator di KPP Pratama Malang Selatan, implementasi peran ini dilakukan guna meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepatuhan dalam membayar pajak baik bagi masyarakat umum yang belum terdaftar dan atau wajib pajak yang telah terdaftar. Pajak adalah iuran yang wajib dibayarkan oleh rakyat atau wajib pajak kepada negara untuk kepent…
Di era global saat ini, komunikasi sudah menjadi suatu hal yang sangat penting, terlebih dalam suatu produk – produk yang ditawarkan kepada konsumen melalui beberapa media yang ada, contohnya media periklanan. Apalagi untuk produk – produk yang bermerk dan sudah cukup dikenal kalangan masyarakat, Brand Image sudah menjadi suatu keharusan yang dimiliki produsen, baik jasa atau pun produk bar…
Topik Internal Relations dalam suatu lembaga atau instansi saat ini merupakan suatu kewajiban yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan karena hubungan internal menjadi salah satu aspek penting di dalam organisasi. Hubungan yang harmonis yang tercipta di dalam organisasi menjadi penentu efektivitas dari proses komunikasi organisasi di dalam organisasi tersebut. Hubungan internal terjadi antara publ…
Hate Speech gets more attention from the public and law enforcement officials. It can lead to incitement, discrimination, violence, even the split of the nation. And that becomes the target is the community of culture, ethnicity, race, and religion. With the presence of this background, the authors draw two formulation of the problem, namely the limitation of the definition of criminal offenses…
Undang-undang Dasar 1945 yang menentukan bahwa setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, Jaminan, perlindungan dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, untuk itu advokat menjalankan tugas profesinya demi tegaknya keadilan berdasarkan hukum untuk kepentingan masyarakat pencari keadilan, termasuk usaha memberdayakan masyarakat dalam menyadari hak-hak fundamental di hada…