The purpose of this study was (1) to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, (2) analyze the effect of job satisfaction on intention to leave, (3) analyze the effect of organizational commitment on intention to leave, (4) analyze the effect of job satisfaction on intention to leave through organizational commitment. This research was conducted by using path analy…
Penelitian ini dil;akukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh persepsi gaya kepemimpinantransformasional terhadap kepuasan kerja pegawai pada perusahaan daerah pasar kabupaten Badung. Kepuasan kerja merupakan kepuasan aspek penting yang mempengaruhi baik buruknya kinerja kerja pegawai. sehingga dibutuhkan gaya kepemimpinan yang tepat untuk mengatasi dampak negatif dari kinerja kerja. Subyek pe…
Ahmad, Nurul Apryani., 2013. The Relationship between Conformity with Body Dissatisfaction on K-Popers. Undergraduate Thesis, Faculty Of Psychology. Merdeka University Malang. Advisor I (Ardhiana Puspitacandri, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psi), Advisor II (Dra. Dewanti Diah Ruparin, M.Si) K-Popers tend to feel less confident with her figure so K-Popers often make improvements on her body to show the ident…
Rachmaningrum, Ratih Agustin. 2014. relations between the quality of service to the satisfaction of the faculty the Faculty of Psychology of the University students in the Merdeka Malang. Majoring In Psychology. Faculty Of Psychology. University Merdeka Malang. Supervisor (I) Dr. Fabiola Hendrati S. Psi.,, M.Si., Psi. (II) Agustin Rahmawati, S. Psi., M.Si. Psi. The purpose of this resear…
The hypothesis of this study is that there are differences in terms of marital satisfaction husbands spousal educational level, marital satisfaction which wives with husbands who have lower education of a different husband who has a wife with a husband that higher levels of education than the husband. The sample used in this study were residents Singosari Malang who live in the area Sin…
Firstari, E. Claudia. 2013. The relationship between Body dissatisfaction and consumer behavior on the teenage girl models in Malang. Faculty of Psychology, University of Merdeka Malang. Supervisor I: Dr. Fabiola Hendarti, S.Psi., M. Si., Psikolog II Adolfus Yunanto Putro, S.Psi., M.A Consumer behavior is the individuals behavior which intent to fulfill their needs excessively, in order to gain…