Culinary Tourism and Processing Facilities Chocolate in Manokwari is a facility that was formed for all people from the young to the adult. In this project from a processing perspective, then in this project there are tourism and educational facilities which will provide information on how to process good chocolate through workshops, galleries, courses and others so. Apart from that, these faci…
Based on problems related to the many violations on Zebra Cross, researchers are aiming to make research on zebra cross detection system on traffic light using Raspberry Pi based digital image processing with Use the Open CV Library and the contour area and substraction background methods as zebra cross-shape detectors and detect object violators. In this study managed to obtain detection data …
Buku ini berisi hasil studi pengaruh Revolusi Industri 4.0 terhadap pendidikan akuntansi di Indonesia ditambah dengan hasil studi pustaka pengaruh RI4.0 terhadap proses bisnis dan akuntansi, materi/matakuliah di program studi (prodi) akuntansi, keterampilan (skills) mahasiswa akuntansi yang diperlukan dan metode pengajaran dosen.