Sumber Gentong Restaurant is a culinary place. The location of this restaurant is on Jl.Abdillah 4, Genitri Hamlet, Titomoyo, Pakis District. So far, food orders are still done manually, so there is an error when calculating the amount to be paid and it takes a lot of time for buyers to wait for the cashier to record all transactions using carbon notes. Sumber Gentong Restaurant also does not h…
This study discusses "The effect of Food and Beverage Quality and Atmosphere of Bar Restaurant on Bar Customer Satisfaction at Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang”. The sample in this study consisted of 40 respondents of bar customers who enjoyed their food and drinks at the Bar Restaurant Harris Hotel and Conventions Malang, at dinner and the authors distributed questionnaires for one week. …
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of job satisfaction on work motivation of employees of Haji Sholeh Fried Chicken Restaurant. The population in this study were all employees of the Fried Chicken Restaurant Haji Sholeh consisting of four branches, namely Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Mojokerto and Malang as many as 160 employees using proportional random sampling technique so the nu…
ANALISIS FOOD PRODUCT Study Food Cost dan Pedoman Training Para manager, supervisor dan Senior Cook di hoteldan restoran harus memahami dan dapat melakukan analisis Food Product agar dapat mengelola usaha dengan sebaik - baiknya. Buku ini membahas berbagai masalah yang berhubungan dengan Food Cost, Analisis Konsumsi, Masalah prosedur konversi resep, dan berbagai masalah lain yang terj…