Pembelajaran organ tubuh saat ini menggunakan media konvensional berupa alat peraga yang digunakan ataupun buku yang berupa gambar yang berisi bagian tubuh manusia sehingga dinilai kurang menunjang dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dan membuat siswa kurang tertarik dalam pembelajaran tentang organ tubuh. Dengan adanya masalah tersebut, peneliti bermaksud untuk memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi …
Jasa pengiriman barang adalah segala upaya yang di selenggarakan secara sendiri atau bersama-sama dalam suatu organisasi untuk memberikan pelayanan jasa berupa pengiriman barang. Di Bagus jaya express pada saat ini proses pengecekan status barang dan penyampaian keluhan customer atau pelanggan masih dilakukan secara manual seperti penyampaian dengan mengirimkan pesan singkat (sms) atau melalui …
Browniessem is a local Bojonegoro product that is competing with a franchise business with the same product, namely melted brownies. Promotions that have been carried out are only through Instagram and take advantage of friendship by means of direct or indirect communication. If Browniessem still uses this method, it is feared that it will be less able to compete with other business actors. For…
In today's era of globalization, technological developments are growing rapidly for the employee payroll process to take place. Giving wages salaries will affect the work performance of employees because wages or salaries are strong motivators for employees. This study aims to design a payroll application at Kedai Pok Ami-Ami. the problem in employee payroll is still manual, namely by using…
Educational games are games that have been designed to teach players about certain topics, expand concepts, strengthen development, or help them learn skills. Material about the names of the planets is included in the material chapter of the solar system. However, when students are still in elementary school (SD), students are often bored with learning using book media and most forget the mate…
Definition of Point of Sale or commonly abbreviated as POS, namely, is a sales-oriented activity and a system that helps the transaction process. Sodecha SnackShop is a burger shop in Malang that sells a variety of foods such as: burgers, sandwiches, toast, and Maryam bread. Many variants can be included in the food menu or it can be mixed. In a day, the Burger Shop shop is able to sell about …
Currently, English has become a language that needs to be learned. This is evidenced by the existence of English subjects in every school. Even though English is taught in every school, sometimes students are not proficient in learning or speaking English. One way to make it easier to learn English is by taking courses at English language courses. In the first stage of the research, namely con…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses pengolahan data nilai mahasiswa yang belum tuntas yang membutuhkan ketelitian, kecepatan dan ketepatan sehingga dibutuhkan software lain untuk mendukung software yang sudah tersedia. Oleh karena itu, dalam hal ini Peneliti menggunakan Microsoft Excel sebagai software pendukung. Rumus yang digunakan dalam Microsoft Excel ini bertujuan untuk mendu…
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative platform owned by Microsoft that belongs to the Office Application class. Like other Office applications, this software is also very easy to operate. It's as easy as using Microsoft Word or Powerpoint applications. Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that combines the features of work conversations, video meetings, file storage and ap…
Sumber Gentong Restaurant is a culinary place. The location of this restaurant is on Jl.Abdillah 4, Genitri Hamlet, Titomoyo, Pakis District. So far, food orders are still done manually, so there is an error when calculating the amount to be paid and it takes a lot of time for buyers to wait for the cashier to record all transactions using carbon notes. Sumber Gentong Restaurant also does not h…