Early adulthood is a period of adjustment to new life patterns and new social expectations. This period is the most important time in life because individuals begin to pursue a career and build wider interpersonal relationships. The demand to finish lectures and start working makes some people experience career anxiety. A career anxiety is a condition where someone feels anxious about the abili…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara penerimaan diri dengan kecemasan menghadapi dunia kerja pada sarjana ekonomi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sarjana ekonomi yang baru lulus. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sarjana ekonomi yang baru lulus dari universitas Ma Chung Malang sebanyak 30 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. P…
To civil servants, the retirement day is often considered as a future threat that can cause anxiety. The presence of the anxiety in facing the retirement day is dominantly influenced by the emotional intelligence. Higher emotional intelligence can lead to a condition which is free from anxiety. On the contrary, lower emotional intelligence will result in anxiety within an individual. This resea…
Dread involves perception about feel which be rough on and physiological reaction, in other words dread is react or reputed situation perilous. Emeritus term can evoke problem because don't everybody ready to face it. If concept self positive someone therefore it will regard its mental health also. Person that have concept self contrariwise negative will perceive condescending, insufficiently …
Pregnancy need a high level of preparation in some aspects. If a pregnant women doesnt prepare herself well she will got anxiety in her pregnancy. Anxiety about something related to the delivery process is the top among another kind of anxiety in pregnancy. It will be raised when the day is closer and closer to the d-day, and getting higher until delivery process is over. Then, pregnancy exerc…
Penelitian ini dlakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara asertif dengan kecemasan memilih pasangan hidup pada wanita berkasta Tinggi (Ga'e) Di Daerah Flores Bajawa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita berkasta Ga'e yang berada di baerah Flores-Bajawa sebanyak 313 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah wanita Berkasta tinggi (Ga'e) berusia 21-35 tahun yang belum menikah seba…
Dread involves perception about feel which be rough on and physiological reaction, in other words dread is react or reputed situation perilous. Emeritus term can evoke problem because don't everybody ready to face it. If concept self positive someone therefore it will regard its mental health also. Person that have concept self contrariwise negative will perceive condescending, insufficiently …
Pregnancy need a high level of preparation in some aspects. If a pregnant women doesnt prepare herself well she will got anxiety in her pregnancy. Anxiety about something related to the delivery process is the top among another kind of anxiety in pregnancy. It will be raised when the day is closer and closer to the d-day, and getting higher until delivery process is over. Then, pregnancy exerc…
Anxiety facing retirement is a situation that is not fun and full of anxiety caused by the subjective interpretations of individuals who view retirement as a new problem that makes the individual is experiencing conflict internally and externally, either psychological or physiological disorder. While the Intelligence Adversity is the individual response to the difficulties faced, namely the…
Anxiety about social acceptance is an unpleasant feeling that arises as a result of the response to a disturbance or threat associated with one's acceptance into a group, characterized by physical symptoms are different - different in each individual. Pair one of which converts to feel anxiety about the social acceptability of particular anxiety for acceptance of his parents, anxiety about …