The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the relationship between self - regulation and resilience in adolescents in divorced families. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a positive relationship between self - regulation and resilience. Research subjects were 100 teenagers who had divorced parents. The scale used to measure the level of self-regulation is the self…
Humans are social beings who communicate with others in their daily lives. Humans will always want to talk, exchange ideas, send and receive information, share experiences, cooperate with other people to fulfill needs, and so on. Communication can occur anywhere, whether in society, organizations or groups to interact with each other. Group communication can make it easier for the members in…
The current technological development is so fast and the shift of conventional media to digital media is inevitable. With the development of the media and technology industry following changes or developments according to the needs of society, one of which is the presence of the internet. The presence of the internet today has certainly given birth to a lot of new media such as online media and…
Kekuatan anak muda, perempuan, dan masyarakat di dunia online (YWN) semakin menjadi katalisator terwujudnya lanskap pemasran yang baru di indonesia, dan diakui sebagai kekuatan ampuh yang mendominasi dunia pemasaran di era New Wave yang serba horisontal, inklusif dan sosial.
ABSTRAKSI PROSES KOMUNIKASI DALAM MENGADOPSI NILAI-NILAI KULTURAL TERHADAP SUBKULTUR MODERN INGGRIS ; Yuwono Kristanto, Skripsi Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi dengan Dosen Pembimbing : Dodot Sapto Adi (Pembimbing I) dan Rochmad Effendy (pembimbing II). Budaya adalah bukti dari perkembangan peradaban manusia yang mengalami kemajuan pesat. Di era modern budaya juga melahirkan budaya baru yang dise…