Today, in the industrialized world we are required to fast in completing all the work that aims to create or make a device more efficient and practical to facilitate the work in large numbers. The machines that made is a Jig & Fixture for pipe cutting diameter of 3-6 inches using asitelin welding which has a working principle by heating the pipe to near the melting point, then the electric …
Metallography aims to measure the study of microstructural materials. The microstructure analysis of a material helps us determine if a material has been processed correctly and is therefore an important step in determining product reliability and for determining why a material has failed. There are several grooves that must be done, namely mounting, grinding, polishing, etching. After several …
PEMANFAATAN ELEKTRODA SENTRIFUGAL PADA LAS SMAW TERHADAP SIFAT MEKANIS DAN STRUKTUR MIKRO DAERAH LASAN BAJA KARBON MENENGAH KHOIRUL HADI Nrp 04420015 Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Merdeka Malang. Pengelasan SMAW merupakan pengelasan dengan elektroda terumpan, peneliti mengembangkan proses pengelasan SMAW pada umumnya dalam keadaan diam di modifikasi menjadi syste…