Technological developments today are very influential for many people, especially for teenagers. They assume that technology can help them do anything, online trade for an example/instance. One of the many platforms that is often used as a platforms of online trades is Instagram, and a lot of teenagers become hedonists after they use Instagram in their daily life. Hedonic lifestyle is a view th…
Celebrity is famous people who become the center of media attention. Celebrities get the contribution to make themselves popular. The popularity of celebrities makes them more famous and have a lot of fans. The writer takes the specific sample that is a singer from South Korea because K-pop industry gives a lot of fanatic fans cases and most of them are teenagers between ages 12 until 17 years …
Convidence is an important aspect in enchancing the potential and assist in appearance so that each individual can customize the appearance with a her social environment. A child’s self-confidence can be affected by several factors, among others, one of which is ambodied in the form of family caregiving process. One if which is the authoritarian parenting where the child was raised by way of …
Kenakalan remaja mengacu pada suatu rentang yang luas, dari tingkah laku yang tidak dapat diterima sosial sampai pelanggaran status hingga tindak kriminal. melalui keterlibatan remaja di tengah lingkungannya melahirkan bentuk interaksi dan perilaku yang dimunculkan didalamnya. Perilaku ini banyak dipengaruhi oleh sistem yang sudah terkena dampak dari pergeseran nilai yang berlaku dalam masyara…