Surabaya is one of the most historic cities in Indonesia, known for its Dutch Colonialism. Because of this, Surabaya has many heritage landmarks from the Dutch colonial era. For example, is The Old City, or ‘Kota Lama’. The Old City area is a witness to the history of Dutch Government in the Colonial era. Another example is East Java Governor's Office. This office is unique in its spatial a…
Dalam kasus Rudi Rubiandini ternyata terkuak bahwa Rudi juga pernah mengirimi Sutan Bhatoegana, politikus Demokrat uang sebesar us$200 ribu sebagai tunjangan hari raya
Melalui pendekatan sejarah sosial, penulis buku ini menjelaskan proses sejarah yang berlangsung sejak akhir masa penjajahan Belanda (1926) sampai epilog revolusi Surabaya (1946.