The culture of drinking and enjoying coffee has become a modern lifestyle. Young people do not question to buy such coffee even at a relatively expensive price. Their consumptive lives are done for the sake of a modern trend and lifestyle. Various areas of business are currently undergoing development, coffee shop or coffee shop is one that is popping up in cities. Coffee shop or coffee shop be…
ABSTRAKSI PROSES KOMUNIKASI DALAM MENGADOPSI NILAI-NILAI KULTURAL TERHADAP SUBKULTUR MODERN INGGRIS ; Yuwono Kristanto, Skripsi Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi dengan Dosen Pembimbing : Dodot Sapto Adi (Pembimbing I) dan Rochmad Effendy (pembimbing II). Budaya adalah bukti dari perkembangan peradaban manusia yang mengalami kemajuan pesat. Di era modern budaya juga melahirkan budaya baru yang dise…