Sendang Biru is one of the beaches located in Malang Regency. Sendang Biru is one of the local wisdom that is rich in produce in the field of maritime and tourism. The large sea catch made Sendang Biru to be turned into The Indonesian Fishery Port by the Government of Malang. Sendang Biru is a combination of two main aspects of activities, namely fisheries and business, and there are aspects of…
The purpose of this research is to find out how the customary land dispute in Manggarai and how efforts to resolve disputes over ownership of customary land ringhts. By Manggarai adat community through procedures in the Manggarai custom. In this case the Manggarai custom by solving the problem of the inheritance in Manggarai by way of deliberation. a wealth of customary inheritance land can be …
The writing of this thesis discusses the role of the village government in resolving land rights disputes. The main issues discussed in this thesis are how the role of the village government in resolving land rights disputes that occur in the community and what obstacles are faced by the village government in the process of resolving land rights disputes. This research has a purpose and usefuln…
Bibliografi: hal.
Bibliografi: hal. 47.