Problems that happened after divorce, especially for women, actually exert their own pressure on those who undergo it, such as the impact on the economic, social and psychological side. This impact makes individuals depressed and ultimately difficult to resilient. Therefore, this study aims to see the influence of self-esteem on resilience in post-divorce women. This research uses quantitative …
Ketrampilan sosial adalah kemampuan atau kecakapan seseorang dalam menjalin hubungan dengan orang lain secara efektif serta mampu menerapkan perilaku yang sesuai dengan tuntutan sosial yang dihadapi sehingga tercipta suatu hubungan yang positif dengan lingkungan sosialnya. Ketrampilan sosial yang tinggi akan tampak pada diri seseorang dalam bentuk adanya kemampuan untuk mengatur pikir…
How people experience themselves affects every moment of their existense. Their sel-evalution is the basic context in which they act and react, choose their values, set their goals, and meet the challenges of life. Their responses to events are shaped in part bu who and what they think they are - how ...............