Dread involves perception about feel which be rough on and physiological reaction, in other words dread is react or reputed situation perilous. Emeritus term can evoke problem because don't everybody ready to face it. If concept self positive someone therefore it will regard its mental health also. Person that have concept self contrariwise negative will perceive condescending, insufficiently …
A husband who has been sentenced to suffer from diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease can cause death, will change the overall pattern of his life, in addition to being head of the family as well as the backbone of her family. Diabetes mellitus husband would feel uncomfortable going to the situation, because the controls should be routinely treated to get a shot of insulin. Thereby affecting t…
Dread involves perception about feel which be rough on and physiological reaction, in other words dread is react or reputed situation perilous. Emeritus term can evoke problem because don't everybody ready to face it. If concept self positive someone therefore it will regard its mental health also. Person that have concept self contrariwise negative will perceive condescending, insufficiently …
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara konsep diri dan kontrol diri pada remaja yang orang tuanya berpoligami di Kabupaten Kediri. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja yang orang tuanya berpoligami di Kabupaten Kediri sebanyak 184. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 46 remaja. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian sebanyak 46 remaja. Pengambilan sampel men…