The study was conducted to determine the relationship between self acceptance with moral reasoning at child occupants penitentiary in Blitar. The population in this study were child occupants penitentiary in Blitar of 245 people. The sample in this study were child occupants penitentiary in Blitar who continue junior high school education in penitentiary as many as 30 people. The sample was pur…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Social Comaprison dengan penerimaan diri pada remaja putra dari ibu TKI (tenaga Kerja Indonesia). Social Comparison adalah proses penilaian diri sendiri dengan membandingkan diri dengan orang lain dengan melibatkan pendapat dan kemampuan dengan tujuan meningkatkan potensi diri dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap diri sendiri. Hal ini…
One any one don't except, maybe has once experienced a lifes deep crisis, one that makes it is difficult for gets to pass over others, situation or inconvenience conduct that at nature, including on stripling that lives in Reformatory. Stripling that lives in Reformatory well that because oldster which die, separate or even at deposits since can't economy ala or oldster even bustle, someti…
A period of adolescent growth as a period to which is full of difficulty and problem, do not only for adolescent it self, but also generate the problem for parent (Family) environment and (society). Some factor causing behavior delinkuen is adolescent self acceptance and social acceptance. Intention of this research is to know whether/what there are influences of among acceptance of social acce…