iii ABSTRAK Abstrak—Perkembangan teknologi saat ini dapat diterapkan untuk memainkan alat musik sehingga tidak diperlukan lagi bantuan manusia untuk memainkannya. Indonesia memiliki banyak alat musik tradisional, salah satunya adalah angklung. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk memainkan suatu lagu atau musik dengan angklung 2 oktaf secara otomatis. Notasi lagu yang akan dimainkan angklung…
A PLC is a appliance used to replace relay met at system control. PLC work with is way of perceiving input , later;then conduct process and do required , what is in the form of animating or killing its output ( logic, 0 or 1, death or life). Consumer make program what is generally named by ladder diagram or Ladder gram) later have to be run by pertinent PLC. Equally, PLC determine action wh…
Technological growth from timing progressively sophisticated bill-up equipments to create real human being prosperity progressively. In the field of any do not with company or industrial have been created by very assistive peripheral of human being. Human being shall no longger as direct operator but human being as pengontrol from entirety software so-called Programmeble logic Controller ( PL…
This Final duty aim to to make a system of cutter and sort of automatic cake base on PLC ( Programmable Logic Control ). Solution in this final duty cover scheme of miniature hardware and software. Peripheral ossify to cover konveyor, censor infra red, cutter and sort, while its software is diagram of ladder included by PLC. Konveyor of this system is moved by motor servo. Where konveyor here …
Technological growth from time to time fast progressively. Sophisticated Equipments appearance to create real human being prosperity progressively. In all any area have been created by an peripheral assisting human being duty, so that the human being shall no longger as operator directly but human being act as controller from system entirety. Peripheral appearance of P.L.C give amenity for ma…
One of the aspect becoming attention of human being in modernt epoch whos getting louder and challenge are aspect jam of traffic. Jam of traffic become part of which vital be couse correlating is direct itself to human activity. Density of traffic are not coordinate by resulting many jam and make new problems. Because of that, its need more solution who realy get the answer. According to thi…
Indonesian nation which called as agricultural country has showed that most Indonesia resident have living as a farmer. And the agricultural produce represent especial source in fundamental requirement accomplishment socialize specially the food. This agricultural produce will be maximal if supported by adequate processing system, one of them is irrigation (irrigating). Good irrigating or Ir…