Community participation in Development in Kelurahan Sukun, District of Breadfruit in the City of Malang.The purpose of the study to identify, analyze, and describe the community participation in development,as well as to identify the inhibiting factors in the development in Kelurahan Sukun, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang.Types of research descriptive qualitative. The focus of research is the comm…
The purpose of the posyandu is organized is to provide benefit to the community, so that the implementation, formation and utilization requires active participation of the community in the formation of the participation of the weighing toddlers each month, thus the status of a toddler can be controlled and can also improve the nutritional status of the children. This event is held requires a lo…
This study aims to examine the effect of budgetary participation on the managerial performance of regional apparatus organizations (case study in Belu district government). The formulation of the problem in this research is how the influence of budgetary participation on the managerial performance of regional apparatus organizations. The public sector is an entity whose activities are directly …
Buku ini memberikan pencerahan politik bagi masyarakat untuk mengetahui landasan politik ala pesantren yang membumi dan mempunyai basic keislaman yang kuat. Dengan membaca buku ini maka dinamika politik pesantren dapat dipahami dan dimaknai pada konteks yang tepat