This thesis is entitled Despacito Song Lyrics Meaning. This song has won a place in the hearts of listener in various regions because the lyrics are considered to sexy. This study aims to find the meaning of sexuality contained in the song and to find out the relevance of this song in reality in society and to see the song “Despacito” in a social, cultural and religious context. This study…
Developing Kelurahan Dadaprejo as a tourist destination is one of the regional government’s focuses in 2019. However, until 2020, tourism activities in Kelurahan Dadaprejo are still seems weak. This study aims to determine the impacts of tourism facilities and community readiness on the development of orchid agritourism in Kelurahan Dadaprejo, Kota Batu, by using descriptive analysis methods …
Nusa Cendana University students need a place to stay while in Kupang. Undana dormitories have not met the capacity of those who want to live in the dormitory, there are dormitories that have not been built for students. The purpose of planning this hostel is to meet the needs of Undana students. The object of planning student dormitories is on Jalan Penfui, Kelapa Lima District, Kupang City, E…
This study purpous to examine the effect of the fraud triangle theory in detecting fraudulent financial statements. The variables used are financial stability pressure which is proxied by ACHANGE, external pressure which is proxied by LEVERAGE, financial targets which are proxied by ROA, effective monitoring proxied by BDOUT and change of Public Accounting Firm. The population in this study are…
On-the-Job Training Program or OJT Program is a program aiming to provide opportunity for students to develop and apply the knowledge and skill they acquired from university. By conducting this program, students gain new experience, knowledge, and skill for preparation before entering the job career. During OJT the writer was assigned at EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language…
Law in general has become one of the most important parts of human lives. Since people live in a society that also connect one state with another, there must be a law to bridge the international interaction with other countries. However, most of the time, because of reasons such as different political views and a power struggle over territory, it could lead up to international disputes. One of …
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsep 5S terhadap pencapaian kualitas jasa pada KUD Katu Wagir. Populasi yang menjadi objek penelitian ini ialah karyawan KUD Katu Wagir, yakni sebanyak 30 karyawan. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh atau sensus, sehingga seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel. Data penelitian merupakan data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil kuesi…
Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh karakteristik personal auditor, etika audit, dan pengalaman auditor terhadap tingkat dysfunctional audit behavior. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah para auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Malang. Lima puluh tiga set kuesioner disebarkan kepada responden dan sebanyak lima puluh satu set kuesioner dikembalikan oleh responden serta dapat diol…