Village government institutions have the aim of improving the people's welfare and also as a public service institution. As a village government service agency, the task of information services is delegated and managed by the Village secretary, whose Village secretary acts as a public outreach. in providing services related to the flow and types of information provided by the Village secretary …
ABSTRAKSI Linda Megawati(NIM: 08330090). Persepsi Publik Internal dan Eksternal tentang Pelayanan Informasi Publik Pada Humas Sekretariat DPRD Kota Malang (dibimbing oleh Rochmad Effendy dan Christiana sahertian). Seiring dengan perkembangan yang terjadi pada masyarakat, kenyataannya sekarang adalah banyak masyarakat sudah melek media, dimana akses untuk mendapatkan informasi sebanyak – ban…
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