Instagramis social media with a photo and video processing system and the acquisition of photos and videos with the features presented, no wonder that Instagram is the most popular social media. Social media, especially as a medium that is close to social media, uses features or content. Use of features to post photos, videos and information about someone who needs help on Instagram…
This study is a quantitative study that aims to determine the effect of advertising on television. The data used in this study are television advertisements which, with a simple advertisement delivery method but contain a lot of meaning. In addition, this study also aims to determine the effect of unlimited life version of a gojek advertisement on the decision to use services by a physics stude…
Movie is one of a mass communication kind media that significantly to communicate some reality happened in daily society. The effect of impressions on people's lives is more or less influenced by the film of the ideas and story ideas expressed. Image showed in movie can convince audience from real story. Based on explanation, stored moral responsibility in the film to open people's horizons, di…
Kekuatan anak muda, perempuan, dan masyarakat di dunia online (YWN) semakin menjadi katalisator terwujudnya lanskap pemasran yang baru di indonesia, dan diakui sebagai kekuatan ampuh yang mendominasi dunia pemasaran di era New Wave yang serba horisontal, inklusif dan sosial.
Resep sakti dari Joe Girad (super salesmen) tentang sales and salesman adalah knowledge, skills and attitude, tetapi ada yang lebih penting yaitu kemampuan membangun network yang efektif. Menurut Girad network mesti dibangun dari lingkungan sekitar atau orang-orang yang paling dekat dengan kita.Network adalah aset dan modal utama kesuksesan seorang salesman.Di jaman sekarang alat untuk social n…