This study aims to determine the Legal Efforts of Creditor on Fiduciary Collateral Objects that are Transferred with Pledge Collateral. This research is a normative legal research that is prescriptive and technical or applied. The research approach uses the law approach and case approach. The type of research data is secondary data with primary and secondary legal materials. Data collection te…
In the loan agreement, non-bank finance agencies always require that a guarantee be met in order to obtain a loan. A loan agreement or a loan agreement with a fiduciary loan is a policy taken in order to adjust to the development of business and community needs. Even though a covenant has been administered with a guarantee, it does not mean that it will go smoothy. As for one of the obstacles i…
PEMBERIAN KREDIT DENGAN JAMINAN FIDUSIA KENDARAAN BERMOTOR Oleh: Wahyu prasetyo (08100035) Seiring dengan perkembangan perekonomian, terdapat berbagai bentuk jaminan yang digunakan dalam bidang hubungan keperdataan, diantaranya adalah Gadai, Hipotek dan Jaminan Fidusia. Fidusia sebagai lembaga jaminan telah mendapatkan pengaturan dengan diundangkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 tentang…