This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of financial management in Wonokitri Village, Tosari Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, given that the enactment of UU Number 6 of 2014 concerning villages makes the village's position more recognized and a subject in promoting development, in this case the village is also referred to as a miniature of the state. The data used in this study are primary…
The rise of illicit drug trafficking that continues to increase in the cool circulation of illicit trafficking continues to grow as a promising business. The police itself has formed an organization to handle narcotics crime cases. However, in the formation of this organization is not enough to make dealers afraid of doing business. Add to this the lack of public awareness to help fight the ill…
Prabowo, ketua umum dewan pembina partai Gerindra menggandeng pelbagai kalangan sebagai tim suksesnya, mereka bergerak hingga manca negara berupaya menjernihkan stigma mantan komandan jendral kopasus dan menggalang suara untuk meraih kursi kepresidenan.
Dengan merubah sistem dalam gereja katolik Perancis, para pastor berusaha lebih horisontal bersama dengan masyarakat mioskin, dengan tujuan dapat merangkul semua kalangan dalam menghadapi era globalisasi.