Palm oil is one commodity that has a large contribution to the Indonesian economy. Nowadays,Indonesia is the largest CPO producer in the world. The many benefits of Crude Palm Oil (CPO)and Palm Kernel (PK) for the industry and the increasing demand for world markets, theprocessing industry of CPO and PK has good prospects in the future. Knowing the percentageobtained from each stage of the prod…
This study aims to improve the application of management control systems in the field of production. Measuring the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the production department. Measuring the level of efficiency through the costs used as a benchmark for production activities and measuring the ability of the company to manage the tasks where the company produce results that can be achieved …
The purpose of this study was to determine the level efficiency and effectiveness of regional financial management in the regional revenue service in terms of regional income and regional expenditure. The analytical tool used to determine the implementationof regional financial management is by describing descriptively which includes; data presentation and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, to find…
Perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kinerja produktivitasnya untuk mendapatkan meningkatkan keuntungan sebesar-besarnya dengan berusaha menurunkan biaya, meningkatkan kualitas dan tepat waktu dalam pengiriman ke pelanggan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut perusahaan harus harus mengetahui berbagai aktifitas apa saja yang meningkatkan nilai tambah (value added) produk (barang/jasa), pemborosan (waste) a…