Heat treatment of petrofer oil quenching harderning in the tempering process is used to increase the hardness value of S45C steel. PT Instatama conducts heat treatment of petrofer oil harderning quenching in order to produce high quality bolts. Heat treatment process on a large scale carried out at PT. Insastama, there are problems, namely the difference between the inner hardness value and the…
Salt kais machine has several disadvantages, namely, the track is still not optimal, such as the release of the track puli rotation, the problem on the blade is that when used on a geo-membrane table will damage (tear) the surface of the geo-membrane, and parts of the kais engine that have corrosion especially on rotational pulleys. For this reason, several modifications and innovations have be…
In the construction planning of a building at the present time, has experienced quite rapid development, there are several types of building structures that are used, including steel structures, reinforced concrete structures and precast concrete structures. These three elements differ in terms of the nature of the material aspects, methods of implementation that affect the time of implementati…
Tindak pidana adalah sesuatu perbuatan yang melanggar hukum dimana akan dijatuhi hukuman/sanksi yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau bersama-sama. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab suatu tindak pidana antara lain adalah umur, agama, pendidikan dan pergaulan. Seperti kasus pembunuhan berencana yang dilakukan bersama-sama di daerah Selatan Rolak Sungai Amprong Kel. Kedung Kandang Kec. Kedung Kand…