Work discipline, organizational culture and employee performance are closely related, because the important factors in determining employee performance are to create high work morale and performance, so that organizational goals can be achieved properly. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether work discipline and organizational culture have an effect on performance. The purpose…
This research is intended to find out the positive and significant influence of job satisfaction, work discipline, and individual and simultaneous commitment to the performance of employees of PT Telkom Akses Malang. Because the company considers the importance of discipline and commitment to the work given to each employee. Besides the need for reciprocity is job satisfaction obtained after do…
This study aims to analyze how work environment influences the performance employees, analyze how motivation influences the performance employees and analyze how dicipline work influences the performance employees. Analysis techniques data using descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and analysis instrument. The population in this research all employees of a total of 332 empl…
This study aims to determine: (1) To describe the Work Discipline and Employee Performance at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, (2) To analyze the effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. This research is a survey research with a quantitative approach. The sample of this research is the employees of PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, totaling 30 employees wi…
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship PNS Women's Dual Role Conflict With Job Discipline. Sampling using sampling saturated with a population of 60 and all the population sampled data collection method using a Likert scale to the scale of the work and discipline of the dual role conflict, details of the scale of work discipline and as many as 38 items dual role conflict sc…
Di dunia ini tak terhitung lagi banyaknya orang yang meraih sukses dengan bekal disiplin yang tinggi. Sebut saja tokoh yang anda kenal pasti mereka sukses karena menerapkan metode disiplin ketat sepanjang karir hidupnya. kehidupan ini memberikan penghargaan yang tinggi kepada manusia-manusia yang menjalani hidupnya dengan disiplin yang tinggi. Buku yang sedang anda pegang ini banyak membahas ba…
Kedisiplinan karyawan merupakan tanggung jawab semua pihak. Karena tiap personal harus sadar akan tugas yang akan dilaksanakan dan tidak ada suatu tugas yang dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif tanpa disadari sikap dan tanggung jawab untuk disiplin. Disiplin yang baik kemungkinan dapat terjadi adanya komunikasi ke atas dan ke bawah dengan efisien, mendorong kerja sama, dan membangun kebanggaan ke…