Developing Kelurahan Dadaprejo as a tourist destination is one of the regional government’s focuses in 2019. However, until 2020, tourism activities in Kelurahan Dadaprejo are still seems weak. This study aims to determine the impacts of tourism facilities and community readiness on the development of orchid agritourism in Kelurahan Dadaprejo, Kota Batu, by using descriptive analysis methods …
Community participation in Development in Kelurahan Sukun, District of Breadfruit in the City of Malang.The purpose of the study to identify, analyze, and describe the community participation in development,as well as to identify the inhibiting factors in the development in Kelurahan Sukun, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang.Types of research descriptive qualitative. The focus of research is the comm…
Tourism development is a mandate (Law No 10 of 2009) concerning tourism which states that the Government together with institutions related to tourism conduct tourism to support tourism development (article 11 of Law No.10 of 2009). Tourism objects owned by Malang Regency which support income for regions affected by the location and characteristics of the area, each attraction has its own advan…
The development of tourism may harm the environment, therefore, tourism development must be based on sustainability. Ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism to preserve and contribute to nature. Ecotourism can be seen from three points of view, namely product, market, and method. It means ecotourism offers an educational and conservation tourist attraction, as well as a tool for preserving …
In this global era, the progress in economic, social, political, and cultural fields have made the world increasingly changing from day to day. It is a must for every individual to have skills so she or he could survive among the competition. At present, we have entered the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in which converts ASEAN into a free trade area. Many countries race themselves to develop t…
The objectives of the tourism development are among others, enhancing the image of the country, loving the country and strengthening international friendships. This can be conducted through education institution and empowerment of community in the field of language, art, and culture. What, which and how the language to learn ideally is supported by government rules and policies. These rules ar…
Kehadiran perusahaan tambang batubara ditengah-tengah masyarakat mampu menimbulkan pengaruh-pengaruh besar baik secara langsung dan tidak langsung dalam suatu keadaan yang meliputi bidang ekonomi, kesehatan, sosial, lingkungan, pendidikan, dan infrastruktur. Untuk itu, perusahaan harus menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan masyarakat agar bisa terus beroperasi di wilayah tersebut. Program commun…