Pesatnya perkembangan di dunia teknologi, membuat pengolahan data dan informasi yang digunakan juga akan semakin canggih Oleh karena itu diperlukan sistem yang terkomputerisasi untuk mengolah data tersebut, guna memaksimalkan sistem komputerisasi dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan seperti universitas. Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi (UNITRI) Malang merupakan universitas swasta yang beralamatkan …
In everyday life, the problems faced by the Sari Nugraha Convenience Store in Malang are relatively quiet buyers. Then, the stigma of the community towards convenience stores that are still considered conventional, as well as the need for buying and selling services, especially at the Sari Nugraha Convenience Store, Malang, which need to be improved to increase sales. The purpose of creating an…
Gis is an application that provides various geographic information in the world. It consists of various Shp files that we can change and provide the information we want according to existing sources. The GisWeb that is made a tourist map information located in the Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, which is obtained from the Malang Regency Shp and select the data to be used only. Then from t…