This research aims to people more familiar withgraphic design software as image processing software is very useful and very easy to do by everyone. One of them is to create clothing design using software corel draw. By using corel draw everyone can make clothes design in a way that is easy and simple. We can make it by changing the wakes simple base into an attractive design. It also can increa…
ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dilakukan oleh Hosana Wisma Kurnia, NPK 11330065 dengan judul penelitian “ANALISIS STRATEGI MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM MEMBANGUN BRAND IMAGE INDUSTRI CLOTHING (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Fourth Blade Nation Clothing Malang)”, di bawah bimbingan Ibu Ana Mariani selaku pembimbing satu dan Ibu Sri Widayati selaku pembimbing dua. Dengan kondisi seperti saa…
Bibliografi: hal.