This research is a quantitative correlation research which aims to determine the relationship between conformity and body dissatisfaction in late adolescent girls. The subjects of this study were teenagers with infinite participants. The sample of this research is the final adolescent girls who were taken 96 people by quota sampling technique, with the provisions of the age of 18-22 years. The …
Mahasiswa dinilai memiliki intelektualitas yang tinggi, kecerdasan dalam berpikir dan kerencanaan dalam bertindak. Cara berpikir mahasiswa menjadi lebih abstrak dan idealistik, baik dalam bidang pendidikan maupun biologis atau bentuk tubuh. Perubahan bentuk tubuh yang terjadi memicu minat terhadap citra tubuh. Bagi mahasiswa penting untuk memiliki harga diri guna mengurangi body dissatisfa…
Ahmad, Nurul Apryani., 2013. The Relationship between Conformity with Body Dissatisfaction on K-Popers. Undergraduate Thesis, Faculty Of Psychology. Merdeka University Malang. Advisor I (Ardhiana Puspitacandri, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psi), Advisor II (Dra. Dewanti Diah Ruparin, M.Si) K-Popers tend to feel less confident with her figure so K-Popers often make improvements on her body to show the ident…
Firstari, E. Claudia. 2013. The relationship between Body dissatisfaction and consumer behavior on the teenage girl models in Malang. Faculty of Psychology, University of Merdeka Malang. Supervisor I: Dr. Fabiola Hendarti, S.Psi., M. Si., Psikolog II Adolfus Yunanto Putro, S.Psi., M.A Consumer behavior is the individuals behavior which intent to fulfill their needs excessively, in order to gain…