The creativity of the music industry in Indonesia is growing tremendously in conveying a message to the audience. Music is one simple form of communication to convey. Nowadays, mass communication is also developing to be able to bring out new media such as the internet, with various platforms, one of which is Youtube. Youtube as one of the most widely accessed online media in Indonesia becomes …
The clever version of Gojek's advertisement is one of the advertisements that is viral in 2019 and is widely discussed in many places, and in the same year in 2019 the Gojek advertisement received an award from the imagery of the creative advertisement category with a duration of sixty seconds, then the researcher wants to find out the meaning- the meaning contained in the clever version of the…
The study of the relationship between media and audience becomes the main focus between the media industry, academics, or, media observers and social issues. The media can be an incentive for individuals to enjoy the message being presented or the program being displayed. The content of the media itself can become a discourse of conversation and be accepted by interested audiences, if it is rel…
Rino Avrianto, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Merdeka Malang, Persepsi Penonton Pada Tayangan Kick Andy Di Metro TB. Pembimbing I : Priyo Dari Molyo. Pembimbing II : Imam Patkuroji. Menjamurnya program talkshow hiburan di beberapa stasiun televisi belakangan ini tidak membuat Metro TV sebagai satu-satunya stasiun televisi swasta yang mengambil segme…
ABSTRAKSI Bayu Estuaji (03330125), ”PENERIMAAN AUDIENCE MENGENAI NILAI-NILAI MISTIS PADA TAYANGAN “MASIH” DUNIA LAIN DI TRANS 7 ( ANALISIS AUDIENCE RECEPTION PADA MASYARAKAT DESA TEGALDLIMO – BANYUWANGI ) “ Media massa muncul dari kebutuhan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan informasi. Dalam perjalannya media komunikasi massa atau media massa berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan teh…
ABSTRAKSI Peneliti Pendik Fradana (NIM:08330004), Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, dalam tugas akhir perkuliahan ini mendapat kesempatan untuk dibimbing oleh, Dosen Pembimbing Satu Rochmad Effendy BHSC,M.Si dan sebagai Dosen Dua Sri Widayati S.pd, M.Si. dalam penelitian ini penulis mengangkat topik tentang sejauh mana penerimaan Audience dalam pesan iklan…