UMM Malang Hospital is a means of supporting education and is one of the profit centers of UMM Malang which is strategically located in the middle of Malang. Checking stock items, incoming and outgoing stock transactions are still carried out using books and so is making a report of inventory, incoming and outgoing stock transactions are also still done manually. The purpose of writing this fin…
Apotik Sehat Batu is a place that serves the sale of pharmaceutical drugs for the surrounding community which is strategically located, which is in the middle of Batu city. Apotik Sehat Batu has a business covering public health services that require treatment and recovery, located Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.52 Batu City, East Java. Checking the data of goods, supplier data, employee data, inputt…
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dewasa ini telah berkembang pesat. Hampir semua bidang aplikasi bisnis telah memakai dan mengembangkan sistem informasi dengan sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat memudahkan pekerjaan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Kelebihan dari penggunaan sistem informasi untuk mengotomatisasi banyak hal yang sebelumnya dikerjakan manual, sehingga mampu mengerjakan suatu pekerj…