The CellularPhone is communication device which very important for people. It so happens facilities is given by CellularPhone is not only function astelephone, but more facilities others given. One of them is SMS (Short Message Service), with this facilities we can send a short message from CellularPhone to others CellularPhone. The price is cheap and time deliver fast, so his facilities can…
Technology that so modern in this era, so “House Scout System Based On SMS and equipped with CCTV Camera” can be a solution to avoid or to prevent theft at all times can happen everywhere. Because, by existance arround the housing setting or even in the office setting. In this final assignment the writer makes a device and applying the SMS (Shot Message Services) technology and Camera T…
Manufacturing business in calculating his production cost still use accounting system traditional expense assessed less be accurate and a lot of insuffiency. because of traditional cost accounting only use one or two kinds of encumbering to count released resource. In this time have expanded modern accounting system that is system Activity-Based Costing ( ABC). System ABC exploited to improve…