Buku Sistem Fluida: Prinsip Dasar dari Penerapan Mesin Fluida, Sistem Hidrolik, dan Sistem Pneumatik ini adalahbuku yang ditujukan sebagai buku tekssatu atau dua semester untuk mata kuliah terkait permesinan fluida dalam program S1 di fakultas teknik. Buku teks ini disusun dengan mengupayakan suatu ciri khas yaitu dengan pendekatan aplikatif yang langsung disampauikanmelalui berbagai contoh soa…
This final report discusses the external engagement and its application in University of Merdeka (UNMER) Malang. In this modern era, every organizations need to able survive and improve their reputation in public eyes. In order to adapt, organizations have to use the right strategy and create new innovation. It also applies to education institution, Stakeholders are divided into two parts which…
On the Job Training is a Program to prepare the students before going to real work field. By doing this program, the students will gain knowledge and working experience. The writer chose Public Library for doing OJT and the writer worked as Front office staff. As front office staff, the writer has several main jobs such as making member card, re-making member card, conducting re-registration, i…