Buku ini memberikan wacana dalam memahami konsep dan aplikasi penyelenggaraan kepemerintahan yang baik, bersih, dan berwibawa (clean and good governance). Karenanya tepat sekali kalau setiap elemen yang terlibat dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang baik, bersih, dan berwibawa (state, society, and private sector), terutama birokrasi publik(pejabat publik baik pada birokrasi pemerintah maupun …
Buku ini pada bab I dan II menitikberatkan pembahasan pada etika sosial sebagai landasan konsepsi etika administrasi modern: birokrasi dan persoalan demokrasi. Bab III menguraikan tentang kebijakan publik sebagai esensi tindakan yang diambil oleh para pengelola negara. Bab IV, tanggung jawab administrator terhadap korupsi dan ekses pita merah. Dan Bab V bagaimana menerapkan nilai-nilai etis ter…
In the pages that follow, we argue that American representative democracy is neither representative nor democratic.Sovereign will formation is not happening. Lacking sovereign legitimacy, top-down bureaucratic rule is but petty autocracy. Worse, the postmodern condition that we describe deprives the culture at large of any robust basis in shared reality from which the sovereignty of the whole p…
This book has been a long time in its writing, but fortunately as the decade has rolled on we have found that the simplistic private-good, public-bad propositions that heard in 1990 have been largerly discredited. The reader will find that s/he has a vast interdisiplinary range of concepts and analytical frame-works to explore.
Buku ini diterbitkan dalam upaya untuk menambah wawasan ilmu kebijaksanaan pemerintah bagi pengambil keputusan, utamanaya di tingkat daerah. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pejabat pemerintah, masyarakat dan menambah khasanah kepustakaan.
This book is designed to cover materials required for research methods courses in MPA programs certified by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPA). It is also appropriate for traditional social science methods courses if the instructor wishes ti use material focusing on examples and applications from the public policy area.
Highlights of this third edition include: a discussion of current policy analysis and management issues, new approaches to organization theory, theoretical considerations as they relate to practical experience and an exploration of the future of public administration.