CREATE WHAT YOU'VE ONLY IMAGINED What If... You had the flexibility to craft your own teaching resources to match the way you teach? You could mix and match chapters and rearrange content in an order that suited your syllabus? You could omit chapters that you don't cover during the semester?
PENGANTAR KOMUNIKASI MASSA MELEK MEDIA & BUDAYA Buku ini mendorong mahasiswa untuk lebih berperan aktif sebagai konsumen media dan memberikan mahasiswa pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai peran yang dimainkan media, baik dalam membentuk maupun merefleksikan budaya. Melalui perspektif kultural, mahasiswa belajar bahwa anggota khalayak memiliki peran yang sama besarnya dengan produsen media…
Key Words : Social Media, Advertising, Promotion, Tourism. Malang is potential tourism city that has nature tourism assets (beach and mountain) and artificial tourism assets (flower parade and lantern parade). To increase these potential,this city needs institution which can promote the center tourism used by social media because it is effective and efficient.Therefore the writer chose Mal…
Key Words : Social Media, Advertising, Promotion, Tourism. Malang is potential tourism city that has nature tourism assets (beach and mountain) and artificial tourism assets (flower parade and lantern parade). To increase these potential,this city needs institution which can promote the center tourism used by social media because it is effective and efficient.Therefore the writer chose Mal…
Saat ini remaja menempati proporsi paling besar pengguna komunikasi elektronik baru seperti Instant Messaging, E-mail, dan pesan teks, serta komunikasi melalui situs internet seperti blog, jejaring sosial online, dan situs internet (Subrahmanyam & Greenfield, 2008). Dimana anak-anak dan remaja yang kesepian menggunakan komunikasi online secara berbeda dibandingkan dengan anak-anak dan remaja ya…