One's commitment to the organization can not be separated from the values instilled in the organization. That is a value system that is the collective agreement of all involved in the company. What is meant here is the deal in perspective about work and its elements, a system of values is the value of life conception of the nature of thought employee / employees and management. In this case the…
Balitbang Jawatimur bekerja sama dengan Universitas Brawijaya mengadakan penelitian benih jagung spesifik, yaitu jagung ungu, jagung ketan, dan jagung panca warna. Jagung ketan ini memiliki keunggulan lebih banyak tepung amilopektin, dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan yang lain lagi.
Buku karangan Michel Foucault ini memaparkan tentang kegilaan-kegilaan peradaban dari mulai abad ke-16, ke-17, dan ke-18.
One major purpose of this book is to account for the policies adopted by African governments. We assume throughout that politcal action is purposeful behavior, and that among the major purposes of governments are the pursuit of certain social objectives and the resources needed to achieve them.