In this research the background of the writer who wants to analyze the extent of communication marketing strategies of the Malang Regency Tourism Office in promoting the Three Color CMC. Tourism is one of the industries that experienced enormous growth and even depends on existing natural resources and potential, in addition to human resources to run it. Progress in the world of tourism, beauty…
This study aims to determine the purpose of the research that is wanted in this study is to find out and research on Public Relations Marketing Activities through Batu City Park Entertainment Website. This research was examined using quantitative research types, in qualitative methods ,. This type of research was chosen because researchers wanted to describe the phenomenon of marketing publi…
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peran public relations sebagai komunikasi fasilitator di KPP Pratama Malang Selatan, implementasi peran ini dilakukan guna meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepatuhan dalam membayar pajak baik bagi masyarakat umum yang belum terdaftar dan atau wajib pajak yang telah terdaftar. Pajak adalah iuran yang wajib dibayarkan oleh rakyat atau wajib pajak kepada negara untuk kepent…
Selama ini kita menggunakan komunikasi sebagai media untuk berbagai informasi, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman dengan orang lain. Tak mengherankan juka komunikasi menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahakan dari seluruh aktifivitas kita, baik sebagai individu maupun sebagai kelompok. Bahkan, 70% waktu terjaga digunakan untuk berkomunikasi. Apalagi, identitas kita sebagai makhluk sosial mengharuskan ita be…
On the Job Training or OJT Program is a program of D3 English Program for the students to get some experiences that they do not get in the class. The purpose of this program is to intoduce the students about the real working world. With this program the students will be more prepared and ready to face working world in the future. During the On the Job Training the writer was assigned at Golden …
On the Job Training or OJT Program is a program to equip students with working experience and more skills. By conducting this program, the students are prepared to be ready to face tight competition working world in the future. During OJT program, the writer was assigned at TranslationLinker as a translator. Translator is important in the agency because the main job of translating is done by tr…