Production process is activity to create or process raw material or raw material become fabricating material goods and also product become readily weared by consumer. With other meaning that production process represent to with refer to the way of, technique and method to create, to making and adding value utilize an service and goods by using existing sources consisting of 5M + IT ( Man, Machi…
A company reqires an effective material planning to keep production rate smoothly. The accuracy of material requirement planning is crucial in order to avoid excess or shortage of inventory Economic Order Quantitiy (EOQ) Under Risk, Variable Lead Time Constant Demand, is a production management method to determine order quantity of procurement in order to minimize inventory cost. Economic Or…
Machine and equipment production which have the good condition will be able to improve efectifitas and efficiency from production process. Machine that used continuously will lessen level of readiness of machine. Crane machine at PT. Boma Bisma Indra Pasuruan very influence to activity produce as distribution material and also appliance evacuation. In effort to take care level of readiness of …
Tujuan utama dari pengelolaan waktu bagi eksekutif adalah menciptakan lebih banyak waktu bebas, bagian dari harinya benar-benar dapat dikendalikan oleh, dan menjadi milik eksekutif. Waktu bebas ini perlu untuk menyusun konsep, merencanakan dan memecahkan masalah dengan kreatif.
Pabrik Kompor Bintang Tiga Tlogomas Malang merupakan salah satu pabrik kompor yang memproduksi kompor minyak dan dalam perkembangannya pabrik ini juga melakukan inovasi dengan memproduksi juga kompor kayu. Rata-rata permintaan pada pabrik ini mampu mencapai 40 hingga 60 produk perhari, kapasitas produksi perhari pabrik ini hanya mampu memproduksi 25 hingga 50 produk. Dengan perbedaan yang cukup…
The progress in technology particularly in the field of electronics has now been bringing any changes and advances for human live.the construction of this tool was to make operators easier and alleviate them in controlling automated scheduled school bell, such that the student do not get difficulty in learning about the teory and technology of microcontroller, for thereby applying one of applie…
Peripatetic Company in the field of production, very is requiring planning of requirement of raw material which good to fluent the way process of production so that don’t happened raw material insufficient or excess so that don’t experience of loss. Company often happened problems at planning of raw material arrival or supply which is variable so that cannot be determined when the raw mater…
Bibliografi: hal. 92-97.