Key Words: Education, English for young learners, fun and game teaching activity, OJT Program. To teach the young learners, it needed activities that influence the success of teaching. In this case, the problems that faced by the students of SDN Pisang Candi 3 Malang were lacking of confidence and method that they used by English teacher. The writer taught from the first grade to sixth gra…
On the Job Training Program or OJT Program is a program to equip students working experience and getting more skills. By conducting this program, the students are prepared to be ready to face tight competition working world. During conducting OJT Program the writer was assigned at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Sunan Kalijogo Pisang Candi Malang as a teacher assistant in the second grade. The respons…
Mengasuh dan mengasah anak agar menjadi pribadi yang cerdas, kreatif, dan saleh dalam bertindak memang bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, namun juga bukan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin bila kita memahami psikologi pendidikan. Karena, psikologi pendidikan merupakan disiplin psikologi yang memfokuskan studinya pada upaya memahami pengertian dan konsep-konsep pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan psikologi dan …