This final report discusses the external engagement and its application in University of Merdeka (UNMER) Malang. In this modern era, every organizations need to able survive and improve their reputation in public eyes. In order to adapt, organizations have to use the right strategy and create new innovation. It also applies to education institution, Stakeholders are divided into two parts which…
Public Relations holds an important role and function for an institution or company. The role of Public Relations is to maintain the positive image and form positive opinions of the company or institution in community and public. PR is the whole effort carried out in a planned and sustainable manner in order to create and maintain good intentions and mutual understanding between an organiza…
Pada penelitian ini penulis mengangkat permasalahan mengenai bagaimana proses perumusan perjanjian pembiayaan jual beli kendaraan bermotor dan penyelesaian terjadinya wanprestasi dan bagaimana penyelesaian hukum atas terjadinya kerugian karena alasan wanprestasi yang diderita oleh pihak konsumen yang bersetatus sebagai pembeli kendaraan bermotor. Pembiayaan konsumen merupakan salah satu model p…
Buku ini membahas tentang perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia, makna dan manfaat otonomi daerah, konsep perimnangan keuangan, sistem pajak dan retribusi daerah. disamping itu juga membahas strategi pengembangan potensi daerah, dsb. yang berguna untuk pejabat di lingkungan pemerintah daerah yang berkecimpung dalam bidang pembangunan daerah dan peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah.
This study aims to determine the influence of situational leadership style and work environment on the performance of employees of Coffee Shop Legend Coffee Malang, and to know between leadership style and any work environment that has a significant influence dominant on employee performance in Coffee Shop Legend Coffee Malang. This study used a census of 40 employees. The analysis technique us…
This research aims to analyze the influence of Knowledge Management and Competency to the Employee’s Performance. The research uses primary data obtained by spreading the questionnaire to employees of PT. Sasa Inti Gending - Probolinggo. Methods of data analysis used in this study includes regression analysis, test the f-test and t-test. Research results shows in the test F (simultaneous) tha…