The very fast development of information technology can help provide great benefits to every technology user. Technology is a tool used to help daily life. The development of information technology cannot be separated from a database. The database is a media or tool that functions to store or record every process carried out in information technology. The existence of a database can be very hel…
Designing a building as an architect are never get stable, it is always developing within the times. The development of architecture design also happened on building facade. Facade that means face of the building take a role as the aesthetic element which is also being a description of the function of the space that inside it. The aesthetic aspect can come from the elements in facade, the compo…
Child abuse of narcotics is now a concern of many people. In fact, the problem of narcotics abuse is a concern of various groups. Almost all of them reminded and wanted the Indonesian people, especially children not to try and consume narcotics. For this reason, the role of the National Narcotics Agency in overcoming victims of narcotics abuse among children by undertaking rehabilitation effort…
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini semakin pesat, terutama perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran (Iptekdok). Perkembangan Iptekdok tersebut tidak berbangding lurus dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi hukum. Dalam keadaan demikian, hukum tidak lagi berberan dan diposisikan sebagai social control semata, akan tetapi hukum diharapkan akan mempuny…