Tax brevet is learning program about all matters related to taxation. Tax brevet consists of three levels, namely Brevet A, Brevet B, and Brevet. Brevet A is basic tax training with the main subject of individual income tax with material covering general provisions or taxation procedures. Brevet B is tax training with basic to intermediate discussions. Brevet C is the highest level of tax train…
The era of globalization makes technology more advanced to help human activities. People who are facilitated by this technology also have a negative impact, namely consumptive behavior. Consumptive behavior is the tendency of people to buy or consume goods or use services that are not needed and are not based on rational considerations. These actions are based on pleasure or desire. There is a …
Using trash bins can be dangerous for people who touched them directly. They will have potentials of getting contaminated by bacteria which will cause various diseases. To avoid these risks, the author planned to build an automatic trash bin. The main purpose of building automatic trash bin is to avoid direct contact between people and trash bin and it will lower the risks of getting contaminat…
Each person has a different income level. The increased income can make people get whatever they want. Income can be allocated for consumption, saving, and investment. Investments providing quick returns with small capital are investment securities. Securities can be in the form of stocks or bonds. Shares traded on the capital market can generate profits. One of the mistakes made by Indonesian …
Sexual crimes toward underage children tend to cause negative impacts on the victims, both physically and mentally, so many of them have prolonged trauma. In response to this, the government issued Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 replacing Pasal 81 Undang Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak. In Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang Undang Nomor 1…
Advances in technological innovation are rapid, especially E-commerce in the business sector. The payments can be conducted not only in cash, but non-cash as well. By the retailer Amazon online, the Amazon Go presents as the technological innovation of payment transaction. The Amazon Go is a store with a non-cash payment transaction system with the concept of "Just Walk Out Shopping Experience"…
This final report aims to make a description about psychological well-being in late adulthood. Late adulthood is a period where a person experiences various deterioration of function, both physiological, psychological, as well as social. Ryff (1989) defines psychological well-being as a result of a person's evaluation or assessment of himself is an evaluation of his life experiences. This final…
Indonesia has undergone an unrenewable energy crisis and requires renewable energy or alternative energy to meet the needs of the community. This makes Indonesia begin to develop alternative energy processing to conserve the use of unrenewable energy. Alternative energy can be made from plant or animal waste called biomass. Biomass is a renewable energy that is easy to obtain and environmentall…
This final report discussed about the impacts of self-efficacy for students who take double degree program. There are a number of benefits derived from this. They have commensurate demands such as time management, environmental adjustment, and most importantly academic achievement. Students are people who have duty to keep up their achievements. Students who attend double degree get more obliga…
Technological developments today are very influential for many people, especially for teenagers. They assume that technology can help them do anything, online trade for an example/instance. One of the many platforms that is often used as a platforms of online trades is Instagram, and a lot of teenagers become hedonists after they use Instagram in their daily life. Hedonic lifestyle is a view th…