This study aims to determine the purpose of the research that is wanted in this study is to find out and research on Public Relations Marketing Activities through Batu City Park Entertainment Website. This research was examined using quantitative research types, in qualitative methods ,. This type of research was chosen because researchers wanted to describe the phenomenon of marketing publi…
The rapid development of technology and information makes it easy for the public to access and obtain information, of course with this convenience public relations activities will automatically become easy. In conducting public relations activities we can use the media as an information portal. The effectiveness of social media in public relations activities is utilized by Kakang Mbakyu Malang …
BUMDes are a pillar of economic activity in the village that functions as a social institution (social institution) and commercial (commercial institution) In the current era of autonomy, not only regions have regional autonomy but villages also have village autonomy where villages have full rights and authority. in managing and running their own government so that they are independent and crea…
In this study, the authors have the objective, namely, to analyze and describe how the implementation of housing development policies for low-income communities in Malang City and then to analyze and describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of implementing the Housing Development policy for Low-income Communities in Malang City. The purpose of this research is to be able to develop any…
Public service can be defined as the provision of services (serving) the needs of people or communities who have an interest in that organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been determined. Governance is essentially a service to the community. is not held to serve oneself, but does not serve the community and creates conditions that allow each member of society …
Community participation in Development in Kelurahan Sukun, District of Breadfruit in the City of Malang.The purpose of the study to identify, analyze, and describe the community participation in development,as well as to identify the inhibiting factors in the development in Kelurahan Sukun, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang.Types of research descriptive qualitative. The focus of research is the comm…
The higher level public awareness of public services requires government organizers to be able to provide the best service. Quality and high quality public service is the main objective of every public organization in providing services to the community. Based on observations at The Immigration Office class I Malang before the application for registration of online passport queues, it is known …
The purpose of the posyandu is organized is to provide benefit to the community, so that the implementation, formation and utilization requires active participation of the community in the formation of the participation of the weighing toddlers each month, thus the status of a toddler can be controlled and can also improve the nutritional status of the children. This event is held requires a lo…
Stunting describes chronic malnutrition in the period of growth and development since early life. Indonesia is still facing nutritional problems that have a serious impact on the quality of human resources. Based on the number of children under five, Malang Regency is higher than Malang City and Batu City. Meanwhile, according to the total percentage, Batu City has a higher stunting rate than M…
This study aims to determine whether: 1) Attraction affects tourist satisfaction. 2) Accessibility affects tourist satisfaction. 3) Convenience influences tourist satisfaction. 4) Additional services (additional services) affect tourist satisfaction. 5) Attraction influences tourists' decision to visit again. 6) Accessibility affects the decision of tourists to visit again. 7) Amenity affects t…