Kepuasan kerja merupakan perasaan yang wajib dimiliki satiap pekerja terutama anggota polisi, dimana anggota polisi tersebut dapat merasakan tantangan, berat dan ringannya suatu tugas yang dihadapi dengan bangga dan puas terhadap pekerjaan tersebut. Hal ini penting dimiliki oleh anggota polisi, karena tugas polisi tidak hanya melindungi masyarakat tetapi juga melayani dan mengayomi masy…
Work productivity in a company is very important, to achieve the optimal one with respect to employee job satisfaction. But the fact is there are many employees who feel bored, bored in his work, was not happy and was not comfortable, and if possible he was trying to avoid her, the employee can be said as an employee who is not satisfied with his job. This research is quantitative research…
Hamonangan Tampubolon, Indra. 2013. Marital Satisfaction difference Judging Husband-Wife Husband of Education. Department of Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. Merdeka University of Malang. Supervisor: (I) Dr. Fabiola Hendrati, S. Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist (II) Agustin Rachmawati, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psi. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in marital satisfaction of husbands in…
Every person who wants to get married should have the preparation in facing the future of marriage. Marriage which has its own requirements in terms of requirements such as law, religion and culture. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman before God and witnesses to obtain happiness and eternal bliss in the offspring continue legally. In conducting marriages each partner wants …
Kepuasan kerja adalah perasaan seseorang terhadap pekerjaanya yang timbul berdasarkan penilaian terhadap situasi kerja. PT Dewi Sri Rama memberlakukan kepada karyawanya status karyawan tetap dan karyawan kontrak. Karyawan tetap adalah karyawan yang sudah mengalami pengangkatan sebagai karyawan perusahaan dan kepadanya diberikan kepastian akan keberlangsungan masa kerjanya, sedangkan k…