Solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan di atas adalah dengan dibuatkan sistem informasi yang dapat membantu dalam proses pencatatan barang masuk dan barang keluar, serta pelaporan stok barang berbasis Desktop pada PT. Astha Makmur Lestari. Kata kunci : Sistem informasi persediaan barang, laporan database Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
Indonesia merupakan bangsa yang memiliki keberagaman termasuk dalam bahasa. Ada sekitar 700 bahasa dan lebih dari 200 suku di Indonesia. Bahasa jawa adalah salah satu bahasa yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi oleh etnis jawa. Pada masa perkembangan teknologi seperti sekarang marak masuknya budaya asing. Banyak orang tua yang mengajarkan anaknya berbahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa asing dalam kehi…
High-rise structure buildings in Indonesia are generally said to be prone to earthquake loads. Besides being prone to earthquake loads, in building planning there is a form of irregular structure modeling, one of which is the setback building. Setback buildings lead to differences in mass and stiffness that are not evenly distributed so that there are differences in stress concentrations at cer…
Work discipline, organizational culture and employee performance are closely related, because the important factors in determining employee performance are to create high work morale and performance, so that organizational goals can be achieved properly. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether work discipline and organizational culture have an effect on performance. The purpose…
The development of education today is influenced by the rapid progress of information and communication technology. One of the information technologies that play a role in the world of education is online learning. Online learning functions as a liaison between educators and students with an internet network that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. The online media used by the research subjec…
This research report examines Cargo Handling Procedures Towards Customer Satisfaction at PT. Lion Parcel Batam who at issue in this study, which is knowing the procedures for shipping goods PT. Lion Parcel Batam and know how the management system as an effort to increase customer satisfaction.This research report is presented descriptively, which is to obtain overview of various information rel…
This study aims to decide the effect of workload and supervisor leadership style on the performance of the Banquet Staff at The Westin Kuala Lumpur. The number of respondents is 30 respondents or the entire population, the population is employees, trainees, and part timers. This research is a quantitative research using sensus technique. The data analysis technique used a Likert scale and to an…
The research aimed to find out the effect between the number of cooks and the ability to work of cooks on the smooth operation of the kitchen at the Atria Hotel Malang, Sempel. In this study, 41 respondents used multiple linear regression method with independent fariables of the number of cooks and the ability to work and the independent variable for operational smoothness with results spss whi…